Lyongo Juliana
The architecture of our firm is not about chasing a specific style; it’s about creating spaces that feel accessible and welcoming to everyone. A sense of belonging is at the heart of every design we create. Whether it’s a home or a park, we prioritize places where people can connect and meet each other. Our goal is to enhance the harmony and beauty of a location while ensuring that every project reflects the present day, inspired by knowledge from the past without being limited by it.
As a teenager I knew that I wanted to create and build. I did not have a specific desire at that time to become an architect. I had a strong interest in engineering and it was not until the second half of my studies at the faculty of Architectural Engineering at the University of Technology in Eindhoven (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven) that I discovered architecture and fell in love. I also realized that the architect was the person with the biggest influence on how the creation will look and be experienced.
Since my graduation in the field of architecture I have been preoccupied with finding the question that has to be answered with each design assignment. This question contains of elements as: which protection is needed from the weather – the primary reason why our ancestors started building -, what are the requirements of the client, which laws and regulations do I need to know and how does my design fit into the site. But architecture is much more than just complying with the above. It is also the question of: what will make the location more beautiful or more in balance? And what do I want people to experience? It is also possible that the answer is that a certain location does not need an intervention by an architect, but is already perfect.
Together with my team I focus on high-profile designs all over the world. Our portfolio shows how architecture can contribute to social cohesion and cultural inclusivity, creating living environments in which everyone feels at home.
Kendra Heide
urban designer
Usama Al-Dayri
Maya de Ridder
Kasia Antoszyk
Emma Heinhuis
public relations
Andry Maduro
project manager